If this weren't a hypothetical title ...
... I'd totally be back. But I'm not. I've just switched to a phone without a pen, so my cartoons are now on paper. It's not like they're that good anyway... Who knows what the future holds!
It definitely looks like I'm still alive though, how cool is that!
Oh, and here's some embedded music that probably won't play anymore by the time you're reading this:
This lately gives me the chills somehow: Eddy de Pretto - Fête de trop
Just a soft cover of an old classic: Carla Bruni - Miss You
The fantastic belgian band School Is Cool with their new catchy single Run Run Run
And because the elections are upon us, this singalong that hilariously mocks the flemish vision on elections from the flemish 't Hof Van Commerce: Jaloes
How alien some french music sometimes sounds, Love the song, but the clip is at least a little bizarre ... Calypso Valois with apprivoisé. The song starts around 1:15 if you want to skip the intro.
Now that we're onto the aliens, Oscar And The Wolf definitely fall in this category, here's their latest single Breathing:
And because I seem to be listening a lot to Fleetwood Mac lately, here's Everywhere: